

When we told people we were packing up our suburban life near Baton Rouge, Louisiana and moving to Woodville, Mississippi, we were met with blank stares, puzzled looks and, eventually, the question “Why?'“ This blog documents our adventures and answers to that “Why” each day we spend in our rural community.



The weather has straightened itself out, and I have winter pounds to shed—so it’s back to morning walks! I’ll be posting more of those “Around Town” photos soon, but today’s Why Woodville moment is a person.

I rarely encounter people out walking so early in the morning, but as I rounded a corner I saw a man walking ahead of me on the other side of Main Street. My pace was a bit quicker than his (like I said—pounds to shed!), and when I got directly across from him we exchanged “Good morning” and remarked on this marvelous weather.

This simple gesture is why I love Woodville. People are never too much in a hurry to wave, say hello, or stop for a chat. I crossed the street and introduced myself and asked for a photo after explaining the point of this page/blog.

Today, Napoleon Jarvis is my Why Woodville. He offered a kind greeting to a stranger. How much better would our world be if we would all do the same?



Ms. Elease

Ms. Elease